Events in and around the Benefice
For a more detailed list of events in and around the Benefice see the latest Newsletter
Diary Dates
Wednesday 5th February
19.00 - Taizé Service at St Martin of Tours
Sunday 9th February
11.15 - All Souls New Year lunch after Morning Worship. If you can’t attend the service, do come and have preliminary drinks in the Hall whilst we transform the church into a dining room. Drinks from 12.15 and lunch will be approximately 12.45. Everyone is most welcome, but do let Brenda Johnson know if you are coming in advance. There will be a mini Farmers’ Market also.
Saturday 15th February
10.00 - 13.00 - Repair Café at St Mary’s
Saturday 15th February
16.00 - 18.00 - Messy Church at St Mary’s
Tuesday 18th February
11.00 -12.30pm - Drop in coffee and cake at St Mary’s Church Centre. All welcome. If you would like to bake a cake for this event that would be greatly appreciated. Either bring with you on the day or drop it into the office after the Service on Sunday 16th February (please just put a note saying what type of cake it is for clarity).
Sunday 2nd March Ablaze Service - At St Mary’s.
We have hatched an egg-citing plan for Easter this year. At our March Ablaze service, we will hand out eggs for you to decorate in any egg-extravagant manner you see fit! We are running a competition for the most egg-cellenty decorated egg. With different age categories, there will be something for everyone! We are not eggs-aggerating and definitely not yolking you, but listen to the notices for more egg-plantation.
Tuesday 4th March
19.00 for refreshments 19.30- 21.00 - Spring/Lent Course at St Mary’s 6 week Faith in Pictures
Spring Course – Faith Pictures
The Benefice of Chelsfield with Green Street Green and Pratts Bottom
This year we are once more delighted to be able to offer the opportunity to join together for a Springtime course.
We will be using the course Faith Pictures, which is a resource written by the Church Army. It is designed for use in small groups to help Christians of any denomination to have confidence in their own story of faith, and to give them tools to help them share that story with others around them.
Faith Pictures is described as a course which consists of six sessions where the participants explore ideas around faith sharing, reflecting on their own story, connecting their story to that of Scripture, and valuing their own story as an expression of God at work in the world.
Since my arrival in the Benefice I have spoken of this course on several occasions and offered a taster session back in July “How can we share our faith?” Now I am excited that we can offer the opportunity to join with each other for the course over Lent.
All are welcome but this year the course will only be offered once a week on Tuesday evenings commencing on Tuesday 4 March (Shrove Tuesday).
We will meet from 7pm for refreshments (which may be pancakes on the 4th) then 7.30-9.00pm for each session.
Faith Pictures is a free resource and available to download
Rev. Susan
Sunday 23rd March
10.00 - Benefice Service at St Mary’s, everyone is invited to join Messy Church, which will give the congregation an opportunity to see what Messy Church is about.
Benefice Service in March
Some of you will have realised that the Fifth Sunday in March is Mothering Sunday. In the light of this we have decided to move the Benefice Service in March so that each church can have its Mothering Sunday Celebration.
The Benefice Service will now take place on Sunday 23rd March at 10am at St Mary's Church, Green Street Green. The service will be different in nature as we will be joining with our Messy Church this month. We will run the morning as we would at Messy Church i.e. the first part will involve craft activities and other activities in the hall which will be suitable for both adults and Children; followed by a simplified Holy Communion Service in Church; and end by sharing a meal together.
By combining the Benefice service and Messy Church we hope that members of the Sunday congregations will be able to see what happens at Messy Church and that the families that attend Messy Church will have an opportunity to meet the members of the Sunday congregations.
Rev. Michael