Events in and around the Benefice
For a more detailed list of events in and around the Benefice see the latest Newsletter
Diary Dates
Sunday 1st December 16.30 - Carols Around the Village Green, Pratts Bottom
Saturday 7th December 19.00 - Classical Christmas Concert, St Martin of Tours, Chelsfield see poster for full details.
Sunday 8th December 14.00 - Sandy Nicholas's Memorial Service at St Mary’s, prayers are with the Nicholas family, ALL welcome to attend.
Sunday 15th December 16.30 - Carols Around the Campfire at St Mary’s
Saturday 21st December 16.00 - 18.00 - Messy Church at St Mary’s
Wednesday 25th December - OJ Events LTD at St Mary’s Church
If you are alone on Christmas Day, would you like to join Richard Crowley for a FREE Christmas Dinner at St Mary’s Centre. To watch a film, and play games. Please contact Richard on 07542 022752 to register by Saturday 14th December. Limited numbers.