On this Page
Service for Departed Loved Ones
Planning Your Own Funeral
Garden of Remembrance at St Mary's
Bereavement Services
Download Funeral Fees (PDF)
Henry Scott Holand wrote a poem that begins " Death is nothing at all". It is a poem that encourages us to see beyond the death of someone we love to the hope we have in Jesus Christ. For those who have experienced the death of someone they love, it is never 'nothing at all', it can be the most significantly painful and unavoidable encounter with mortality and may transform us in ways we ourselves don't understand. Such times can leave us without hope, lonely, confused and desperate for answers. Where do we begin to look, to find comfort, understanding, empathy and love? It is our hope that the links on this page will enable you to begin that journey and to encounter the one who alone holds the key and understands, our Lord Jesus.
Service for the Departed Loved Ones
Each year we remember those who have died within the Parish with a Service of Thanksgiving. At a recent service Gillian Garman one of the Lay Readers in the Parish gave a very moving and personal message which reflects on her ministry as the Chaplain to London Bridge Hospital. Click on the following link to read her message. Luke Sermon
Planning Your Own Funeral
Many people choose to not think about what will happen when they die, others are preoccupied with death. Each person is different and responds differently to death, especially their own. Experience informs us that much heartache is avoided when a person has taken time to consider their wishes for their funeral and the distribution of their possessions. To help you think about what you would like to happen at your funeral we have a form (in pdf format) which you can copy and fill in outlining your wishes. You can send this form to your solicitor or pass it to a family member as you wish. To open the form click on the following link. Funeral Planner.
Garden of Remembrance at St Mary's
Set to the South side of the church, the Garden of Remembrance offers families a space to visit and remember those they love and see no more. The Garden has a beautiful backdrop of fields and countryside and at certain times of the day the sunset is outstanding. If you live in the Parish and would like to have ashes buried at St Mary's, please make an application to the Parish Administrator using this application form.
Bereavement Services
To whom do you turn when someone you love has died? The following links are people we would recommend for specific bereavement counselling:
- Orpington Christian Counselling Service 01689 821622
- Government Advice Site
- Mind
- Child Bereavement Charity